
Матеріал з Освіта Вінниччини

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Folks call me Dara and I come from Wyoming in the United States - I am a student studying Healthcare and also I operate a website about making colloidal silver, and other natural medicine related issues.
A colloidal silver maker is required if you want to make homemade colloidal silver and you can use it to treat ailments like cancer, ringworm and dandruff. Colloidal silver is electrically set-apart silver that is modern and dependable silver for intake by people.
Distilled aqua suspension and electrolysis are what composes the silver ions and small silver particles. The immune system grows stronger by this concoction, so by consuming this we will not be as unwell. Viruses, bacteria ,and fungi cannot live the potent antibiotic colloidal silver.
Unlike some antibiotics, which can deliver injury to the liver and kidneys, colloidal silver is not dangerous. People to help fight infections without worry of damage can consume colloidal silver. This kind of silver should not be confused with other silver medications, which carry chemical and mechanically made silver dust or powder.
This silver is created by usage of a colloidal silver generator and distilled aqua. It can be made at home. This is a healthy mineral for the body, however if too much of the silver dust is ingested a condition called Argyria, or "gray skin" can happen.

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